Thursday, 5 February 2015

Post Colonism


Alvarado 1987 - Suggested there were 4 key themes in racial representations
- Pitied
- Exotic
- Humorous
- Dangerous 

Franz Fanon - Came up with 4 themes to descirbe black people
- Primitivize - Exotic and virile tribal warriors
- Infantilize - Portrayal of children e.g. charity adverts
- Decivilize - Looking like gangsters
- Essentialize - All categorised into one group / all look the same

Edward Said - His theory is a post colonial theory. He argued that the west, to be specific, colonising Europe constructed a meaning of the East. Conveying that it all showed that it was dangerous and very uncivilized. 

The film Yasmin brings very mixed feelings to the audiences, as it shows British Muslims and the way their are positive and negative things. For example their are scenes in which, children and ladies, including the father and son who are the main characters, wearing traditional clothing and going to the mosque to pray. However it also shows the shutters with the wording 'Go Home Pakis', this therefore shows the way in which Edward Said constructed his theory, as people are quick to stereotype and with whatever is being shown, they are likely to question and follow negative stereotypes created. To make it even worse, Yasmin is shown on the way to work, stopping off at a hillside, and removing her traditional clothes, in order to show her english clothes, that she was wearing underneath. In the viewers head, this creates some sort of stereotype as the audience may begin to believe that all Muslims are like that.

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