Monday, 26 January 2015

  1. How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people? 
The way in which the language and the selection of images had created a negative representation of young people is by the way in which the mid-en-scene has been used. And conveyed them as a sort of action film & creates a sense of over exaggeration making the youths involved in the riots look really bad 

  1. Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonization of the working class? 
The reason behind this is because Owen himself states that the working class has slowly become an object of fear within the media and that there is a new modernised Britain. 

  1. What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
The survey found that 40% of articles which were focussed on youths were aimed at mainly negative achievements and violence. It also found that 71% of articles overall represented them in a negative manner.

  1. How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
The way in which Stanley Cohens work on Moral Panic can be linked to the coverage of the riots is because the overall coverage of the riots was constructed in the sense to create fear and panic for others.

  1. What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots? Violent Video Games, Reality TV & Rap Music, due to their undisciplined nature.

  1. How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
Social media was blamed for the riots as it helped and encouraged youngers to get more and more youths involved in the movement itself. Youths used networks such as BBM, Facebook, Bebo, MySpace and others in order to organise and advertise what they were doing, and spread it. 

  1. The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots? The two step theory can be applied as those individuals with lots of followers become the opinion leaders and their followers are then those that share the ideologies and use of it to construct their own.

  1. What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The right wing responses to the causes of the riots was completely negative as the youths were compared to dogs and beasts who were unable to be controlled and kept on their leashes.

  1. What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots? The left wing response is more positive and thinks more about the youths personally. They blame the society and the inequality that is caused within, one of the major problems being taking the youth centres away from them. 

  1. What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?
I believe that the riots occurred in order for the youths to make a point. The fact that their funds were cut led to adoption for a lot of them & some were occupied in doing the wrong things because of this. The government itself is to blame for not giving them the attention and funds they should as they feel like an outcast. And therefore I think the riots was an outblast which allowed them to express how they felt. 

  1. How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to? Capitalism can also be blamed for the riots as we live in a society in which it it is believed that the more and expensive possessions you have in important. For example most male youths believe it is important to have a gucci belt and it is common to see boys wearing one. Therefore when the riots rose, they saw the opportunity in which they could steal numbers of desired goods & therefore decided to exploit this.

  1. Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?
Within the media, those that participated in the riots were unable and were not given the opportunity to voice their opinion. They began blocking sites which allowed them to & sites were monitored to make sure they didn't put anything up which changed they're representation already shown in the media. The reason for this is because the institutions had created a representation for them and with them all voicing their opinion could have made it go against it.

  1. What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?

Personally I have a lot of sympathy for those involved in the riots as they were pressured & the media weren't doing anything good themselves by making them look bad all the time. The way in which the government acted about this, I also have sympathy for, as they are children and those that aren't getting the love and respect that most youths do. Therefore with the government not helping them, the riots was their only chance to make their point clear. 

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