Channel 4 to replace 4oD with new online hub All 4

This article is specifically about how Channel Four are re-branding their online hub and the fact that it is going to change from 4oD to All4. The reason behind wanting to do this is because of a bid in order to allow their viewers to watch all their television programmes/series/movies on digital devices.
- As part of the digital transition, 4oD – the brand launched by Channel 4 in 2006 as the first home of its on-demand, catch-up TV service – will be scrapped.
- Channel 4 claims to have signed up 50% of all 16- to 34-year-olds in the UK to
In my opinion, being someone who watches channel four, this does interest me as it allows me to know of the new changes occurring, and also makes me aware of what to keep an eye out for. It also appeals to me, as the media institution appears to be doing something beneficial for its viewers who are not able to spare time to watch television at home and is allowing them to watch it at their own convenience, ie on the bus.
Microsoft 'in talks to buy Minecraft creator for $2bn'
This article explains into depth about how Microsoft is going to be negotiating about purchasing Minecraft for over $2bn as rumours have spread that they are. A little bit of background information about the concept of the game and regarding the creator of the game has also been given.
- The game earned Sweden's Mojang more than $100m in profits last year
- Microsoft is in talks to buy the Swedish company behind the hit video game Minecraft for more than $2bn (£1.2bn),
- The Japanese company revealed last month that it has sold 10m PS4s glo
bally, while Microsoft said in April that it had sold 5m units of its Xbox One console worldwide.
In my opinion, having no interest in this game, this article about Microsoft negotiating about purchasing it, does not appeal to me at all. Also having a very minimal amount of information, does not explain a lot.
- The Japanese company revealed last month that it has sold 10m PS4s glo
bally, while Microsoft said in April that it had sold 5m units of its Xbox One console worldwide.
In my opinion, having no interest in this game, this article about Microsoft negotiating about purchasing it, does not appeal to me at all. Also having a very minimal amount of information, does not explain a lot.
Twitter is this 'Operating System of News'

This article focuses on the way in which twitter is used as an alternative to reading/watching the news. It focuses on how it is becoming bigger by the day and the way in which more and more people are beginning to use it, developing into more of a platform which users use in order to distribute and spread information.
- Monthly active users up by 24% to 271million
- Revenue growing by 124% to $312million
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