This article is about how it was thought that Dre Beats Music was going to be closed down, and about how apple denied this however did not speak about the possible branding which could of occurred of the company
- Beats Music has had a slow uptake of just 111,000 registered accounts in May, and an estimated 250,000 users through the combination of family accounts.
This article is quite an interesting one as it shows how media institutions can be so powerful. This shows the readers how much bigger and better a company is becoming.
A BENDY iPhone 6, you say? Pah, warp claims are bent out of shape: Consumer Reports

This article is specifically about how the new iPhone sixes have been said to bend very quickly. The article also outlines tests that had been undertaken in order to see how weak the phones actually were. Coming to a conclusion that the iPhone needed at least 90 pounds to be on top of it in order to begin to deform.
- It ran the same three-point flexural tests on comparable smartphones and found that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were not as feeble as had been suggested in The Great Bendgate Controversy Of 2014.
This article is interesting as it proves to those who did not believe about the bending iPhone, that in comparison to other phones, the new iPhone sixes are not as amazing as they are made out to be. This then makes sure that the readers think twice before purchasing.
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